
Earlier today I was flipping through a magazine and it seemed that every article had to do with fuel economy.  It sure is a much bigger thing now then when the fuel price was at $1 a gallon.  Even in our own home we are making choices to buy smaller more fuel efficient vehicles. Personally, I am trading my hemi powered truck in for a 4 door sedan so that I can nearly triple my fuel mileage.

When you run a fleet of vehicles, this number just gets compounded by however many vehicles that you have running around. Whether you have bulk tanks for your company, use the gas station at the corner, or are using truck stops across the country, you have to be able to track all the data that helps you make decisions in the future.  Knowing which brand of vehicle gets better fuel mileage and wears better over time will influence your next vehicle purchase.  A good way of tracking this information is with a fuel card. Fuel cards let you to determine your vehicles fuel mileage, keep track of when it needs an oil change and is time for maintenance and so many other aspects of driving.

For more information on fuel cards, visit our small business gas card and over-the-road pages to find the best fit for you.